Tuesday 24 November 2009

Blinds - Choose the Right One For You

Blinds offer a perfect alternative to curtains. The material, colors, sizes and types available in woods are amazingly varied. Every type offers a different look and different effect to the space. Treating the windows right need not be expensive and full of heavy maintenance.

Let us look at some different types of blinds which are widely used and their functions and usages. There are vertical, horizontal, mini & Venetian blinds to choose from and each of these would offer wide range of material and color and a different look to your room.

Faux Wood blinds are probably the most widely used. The faux wood gives a very elegant and rich look to the space at a very low price compared to other types. They are made of material looking like wood and can be used in different shades of the wood colors. They can be painted or stained to blend in the theme of the room design.

The faux wood blinds are not only available in different colors but also are found in different sizes of the planks. Though the price may change according to the plank size, it should be considered that the right choice would create the right window concept. Thinner planks would make your windows appear bigger and would not attract the attention from the window or the view. You also get the traditional mini blinds made with faux wood material. While the traditional mini blinds give a plain, down to earth and traditional feel to the space, faux wood look sophisticated, formal and more modern.

A more modern and elegant type of is bamboo blinds. They also prove to be eco-friendly. They create a unique look to the space by offering the required privacy behind the closed blinds. They may prove most useful for large windows, especially if used the vertical way. They help make the place appear warmer and more informal and hence a welcome feel is created. They are much more durable and easy to use due to their natural material. There is faux bamboo material also available as an economical yet durable choice.

Blinds give a very distinctive look to the space because they allow the light through the seams and gaps. This creates an awesome effect of light and shade. Blinds are available I to put vertical way, horizontal way or rolled up way depending on the look and feel and requirements of your lifestyle. While vertical blinds are useful for taller, larger structures and create a contemporary look, horizontal blinds offer a traditional feel. Rolled up blinds make the spaces appear softer and comfortable.

Whichever type you choose to use in your space, it is important that they are custom made for your windows. The blinds professional must measure your window correctly, make the blinds to suit the size and shape and only then should they be installed. This will ensure the well appointed look by fitting it to your unique window sizes.

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